approver|approvers in English


[ap'prov·er || -və]

one that approves, one that consents, one that favors

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "approver|approvers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "approver|approvers", or refer to the context using the word "approver|approvers" in the English Dictionary.

1. Generate Approvals using the approvers related list

2. When workflows assign approvers, Acknowledgers, and observers according to the

3. 10.5.3 More about Affected Items: Adding Approvers, Acknowledgers, and Observers

4. Approver Comments The person who reviews the request can add comments for the requestor

5. See Add YouTube video and channel approvers and Give unrestricted YouTube access.

6. Also, your approvers won’t need an account with Ashore to review proofs

7. When the reminder period elapses, if an approver has not approved or rejected a routable object, or an Acknowledger has not acknowledged a routable object, a reminder email notice is sent to the approver or Acknowledger.

8. AddReviewers(IStatus status, Collection approvers, Collection observers, Collection Acknowledgers, boolean urgent, String comment)

9. Ashore gives your approvers a white-labeled platform to view proofs and make annotations

10. Within the Approvals process, the application uses rules to generate a list of approvers for the SSHR transaction

11. For example, if a child wants to buy an app, the family Approver can see the app and decide whether to allow it

12. A daily iMail will be sent out to any Approvers or Acknowledgers who have yet to review the revision

13. Approvers can search for and approve additional videos to make them viewable by signed-in users in your organization.

14. As an approver for certain processes defined in TeamConnect, you are responsible for Approving or rejecting requests from other users to complete certain operations

15. Approvers / Acknowledgers Internet Native Banner (INB) If you prefer to use Internet Native Banner instead of Self-Serve… Note: Self-Serve is the preferred method

16. Default change analysts (or default component engineers) may want to monitor changes assigned to them to ensure that the list of approvers, observers, and Acknowledgers is complete

17. Acknowledgers, and Proxies • Approvers - Direct Leader(s) that approve requests • Acknowledgers - Those people directly related to your work or projects that need to be notified of your request

18. Custom Cycle Groups: You can create custom cycle groups if you have “Set Reviewers”, "Set Approvers", "Set Endorsers", "Set Acknowledgers" permission for an item

19. The Agile PLM Approval Matrix feature enables you to automatically assign Approvers, Observers, and Acknowledgers to routable object workflow actions according to the job functions each person performs at work, for example, Developer or Product Manager.Each user and user group can be assigned multiple job functions, if needed.